Allude vs Elude

Allude vs Elude


  • ‘Allude’ (verb) means ‘mention someone or something indirectly’.
  • ‘Elude’ (verb) means ‘avoid something’ or ‘escape perception, understanding or consequences’.

What’s the difference between ‘allude’ and ‘elude’?

Because they look and sound the same, these two verbs are easily confused. Not to mention that ‘elude’ has more than one meaning, which makes it more difficult to interpret. But the meanings of ‘allude’ and ‘elude’ are very different.

  • ‘Allude’ is usually followed by ‘to’, as when someone/something makes an indirect reference or mention to someone or something else.
  • You can ‘elude’ something (as in avoid it, such as a question or problem) or someone/something can ‘elude’ you (as in you fail to understand them).
  • In terms of spelling, remember that ‘allude’ has two ‘l’s, and ‘elude’ just one.

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How they’re used

Example sentences with ‘allude’

  • The definition alludes to the main components of bipolar disorder.
  • They alluded to the well-known myth of Sisyphus.

Example sentences with ‘elude’

  • The new COVID variant can elude immune responses.
  • Technological spillovers may elude developing countries.